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Watcher’s Council news

Posted by Richard on October 17, 2005

There’s a rare opportunity for bloggers this week: The Watcher of Weasels has an opening on the Watcher’s Council. If you’re interested in nominating yourself or someone else, see this post for details and be sure to read the rules (BTW, I’m recommending Eric Cowperthwaite of Eric’s Grumbles).

Each week, the Watcher’s Council members nominate one of their own blog posts plus a non-member blog post as one of the best on the Web. The council then votes on these nominees, and the Watcher posts the winners on Friday. They’re usually well worth checking out. The most recent winning council post is from Wallo World, and Waiter Rant had the winning non-council post. Eric’s Continuing to Correspond with Senator Boxer ranked fourth in non-council posts.

For more fine posts, see the Council’s voting results and the complete list of nominees.

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