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Catching up

Posted by Richard on May 4, 2006

I’ve been remiss about my reading lately — not to mention my recommendations. For starters, I suddenly realized that I hadn’t even visited this week’s Carnival of Liberty (hosted at Searchlight Crusade), much less linked to it. Shame on me — especially since Dan said such nice things about my entry. Dan did a nice job, sorting the submissions into three categories — Life, Liberty, and Property. Go check them out.

I also forgot about the latest Carnival of Cordite, hosted for the first time at Spank That Donkey. Chris did a nice job, and I’m sure the folks on dialup connections appreciate the fact that he posted small thumbnails instead of larger images. Some interesting submissions. Check ’em out.

Finally, I haven’t even checked out last week’s winning Watcher’s Council entries yet, much less this week’s list of nominees. The latter, by the way, includes two American Digest posts, one of which I’ll say more about shortly. If it doesn’t win as best non-council entry, the council members need their heads examined.

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