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Craig Ferguson on 9/11/09

Posted by Richard on September 12, 2009

Craig Ferguson, as he does every year, remembered 9/11. And he had a message for the enemies of America: "We are more than a country. We're a dream. And we're not going anywhere." Great video:

 I really, really like Craig. Yes, he's in some respects the typical Hollywood liberal who enjoys dumping on people like Joe Wilson, Sarah Palin, and Dick Cheney. But there's more to Craig than the superficial liberalism.

Ferguson speaks from the heart with a genuiness, openess, and honesty that are the antithesis of Hollywood. If you don't believe me, you haven't watched the 12-minute extemporaneous monologue on Britney Spears and alcoholism that I posted here

Ferguson has a great "sense of life," to use Rand's phrase, and he's really an individualist at heart. I think some of Drew Carey's libertarian ideas have rubbed off on him, too. And like many immigrants, he has a profound love for his adopted homeland and more of a commitment to what it represents than most native-born Americans.

NewsBusters has a complete transcript of Ferguson's 2006 9/11 commentary, which is worth reading. I think YouTube has other clips of his 9/11 commentaries, but they're a bit hard to locate. If you're interested, try putting 9/12 in your search string, since the show airs after midnight eastern time, so it's always the next day. 

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3 Responses to “Craig Ferguson on 9/11/09”

  1. Hathor said

    Since when does one have to be indoctrinated in to Rands belief to be an individualist. Twist of the language from one who uses the term “Obama’s Youth”.

  2. rgcombs said

    ”indoctrinated in to Rands belief”


    All I did is provide attribution for the phrase “sense of life.” There’s nothing in my statement that connects Ferguson to “Rands belief.”

    But if the mere mention of her name offends you, I can rewrite that sentence:

    ”Ferguson has a great “sense of life,” and he’s really an individualist at heart.”

    There. Is it OK now?


  3. Hathor said

    I don’t think it was any more over the top than your language.

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