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False flag attack in New York?

Posted by Richard on August 26, 2010

Ever since 9/12/01, the Islamists at CAIR and their "useful idiots" in the MSM and among the intelligentsia have been peddling dire warnings that rampant Islamophobia was about to unleash a wave of violence against peaceful Muslims in America. So they no doubt were gearing up the PR machine about Islamophobia again after a Muslim cab driver in New York was stabbed in what police called a "hate crime."

Well, it's certainly possible that this was a hate crime committed by some violent whacko who hates Muslims. There are such people (although far, far fewer than CAIR and its enablers would have you believe).

But based on Ben Smith's report, it's also quite possible that this was a false flag attack intended to discredit the opponents of the Ground Zero mosque and engender sympathy and a backlash in support of Muslims. The allegedly Islamophobic perpetrator of the attack, Michael Enright, appears to be a young lefty who works for a "left-leaning media organization" called Intersections International, which is described as a "global initiative dedicated to promoting justice, reconciliation and peace across lines of faith, culture, ideology, race, class, national borders and other boundaries that divide humanity." And which supports the Ground Zero mosque.

That doesn't prove he's not the Muslim-hating drunken whack-job that he appears to be. But it does make you wonder…

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One Response to “False flag attack in New York?”

  1. David Bryant said

    There’s still (8/29) not much detail in the news about Michael Enright. Apparently he had spent time in Afghanistan embedded with the Marines, where he worked on a movie project for a course he was taking at the School of Visual Arts. There were some notebooks in his backpack. Some reports mention four notebooks, while others speak of six.

    I haven’t seen much information about the notebooks yet. Apparently they deal with his experiences in Afghanistan, and there are some references to a drinking problem and attendance at Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. My best guess is that he’s really just a whack job without a political agenda, and that his lawyers will try to get him off by claiming that he’s suffering from PTSD.

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