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Must-see TV

Posted by Richard on November 17, 2006

Tonight at 9 PM ET (that's 7 PM here in Denver), Fox News is rebroadcasting Obsession: The Threat of Radical Islam. If you missed it last weekend, I strongly urge you to tune in. It's a one-hour presentation excerpted from the full-length movie, Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West, which has won considerable critical acclaim. For instance:

"Obsession is one of the most powerful, expertly crafted and undeniably important films I've seen this year. This courageous, utterly gripping expose' deserves the attention of every American — and merits serious consideration for the Academy Award for Best Feature Length Documentary."

Michael Medved
Nationally syndicated radio host, film critic, and "Eye on Entertainment"

Obsession is both scary and riveting! Each and every one of us should feel obligated to show Obsession to as many people as we can. Obsession should serve as a wake-up call to the free world to confront the threat now, before it is too late."

Joel Surnow
Executive Producer “24”

"This movie ought to be shown … in every community center, every school, every church, synagogue and mosque, every living room in America…"

Nolan Finley
The Detroit News, editorial page

" Leaves you speechless… [Obsession] is the single most powerful and terrifying public exposition of the fact that a global Islamic jihad is now being waged from Bali to Istanbul, from Chechnya to Madrid, from Morocco to Manhattan, from Thailand to Bloomsbury – and that the world that is under attack is deeply in denial about what it is facing. "

Melanie Phillips
Author and Journalist, the Daily Mail

" Riveting… Obsession is without exaggeration one of the most important films of our time… America needs to see it "

Glenn Beck
The Glenn Beck Program

Along the same lines, Glenn Beck aired his own special this past Wednesday, Exposed: The Extremist Agenda, and I recommend it, too. It will be rebroadcast on CNN's Headline News Network this Sunday evening (7, 9, and midnight ET).

Fire up your TIVO or VCR, or just sit yourself down and watch these two programs. They are gripping and spell-binding — and so very, very important.

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