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Posts Tagged ‘cooking’

Best BBQ smoker ever

Posted by Richard on September 20, 2014

Awesome, just awesome. I wonder if they throw a pinch of cordite on the coals to add that authentic aroma.

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Multi-bird magnificence in Britain

Posted by Richard on December 18, 2007

I thought the turducken was pretty special — it's a duck breast inside a chicken inside a turkey, with layers of stuffing in between. But there are people in Britain who make the turducken look like a dish for ascetics! 

Perry de Havilland calls the multi-bird roast concept a "splendiferous expression of the manifest superiority of western civilisation," and he has information (and hilarious commentary) about those pushing the envelope and those who disapprove.

Check out the comments, too. Someone there claims to have had bacon-wrapped Tofurkey for Thanksgiving, and insists it was "quite good." I love the concept. 

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Cooking for engineers

Posted by Richard on June 20, 2007

This past weekend, I bought some fresh Copper River salmon and was searching for an interesting recipe. I ran across this one. I didn't use it (decided just to bake it with a little dill, pepper, and butter on top; delicious), but I've bookmarked the Cooking for Engineers site.

If you're an engineer, or think like an engineer (all analytical and such), and you like to cook, this is the site for you. The recipes I've looked at sound good and are very clearly presented, with lots of pictures. There are also lots of articles with thorough descriptions of various cooking techniques, kitchen equipment, ingredients, etc. Check it out.

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Van der Leun on America, childhood, and cookies

Posted by Richard on April 13, 2006

I’m in awe — simply in awe — of Gerard Van der Leun. I strongly recommended his Watcher’s Council winner, On the Return of History, the other day. Today, I urge you to go and savor a very different, but equally worthy, post of his entitled Higher Education and the Holy Cookie. It’s an elegiac, evocative, and charming essay about childhood and growing up, sibling rivalry, parental love, and the development of character.

It ends with an important lesson and a cookie recipe. It begins thus:

SO ISOLATIONIST IS AMERICA that when confronted with questions of great pith and moment, we immediately turn to questions of great and persistent triviality. In some ways this underscores the bedrock of the country’s greatness. No other country in history, nor any other country you can imagine, has the capacity to win a pocket war on the other side of the globe, play patty-cake with global terrorism, launch a fierce and bitter cultural and political argument at home, pull the global economy upward like The Little Engine That Could chanting "I think I can, I think I can," all while driving a couple radio-controlled web cams across the surface of Mars just to get some snapshots of rocks. Then we all go out to the Food Court, select from any one of the world’s six leading cuisines and try to remember both where we parked and in which one of the family’s seven vehicles we came in.

After that we turn our attention, not to whether or not we shall bomb Iran (We had an election and chose a President based on who we thought would do what needs to be done, remember? ), but on … the much more important and utterly American question: "Just what is the finest chocolate chip cookie in the known universe?"

From that marvelous beginning (damn, I wish I could write like that), it just gets better and better. Go. Read. Treasure. If you have the time, browse around the place. The man can write. And think.

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